Tuesday 29 January 2013


Introduction to contrast

Contrast in graphic design is distinguishing by comparing or creating differences. Some ways of creating contrast among elements in the design include using contrasting colours, shapes, tone value, sizes or types.

1.Contrast with size

The contrast is the size of the human foot, such as bigger foot and smaller foot are the obvious uses of size to create contrast.

2.Contrast with colour

There are 2 types of colours in this text which creates the contrast of this logo, for example in this logo, we can see the strong contrast of dark and bright colours. Hence, this can also be its brand symbols.

3.Contrast with tone value

The contrast in this picture is the shadow, shadings and the tone of the face. Hence, the contrast can show out the 3D effects.

4.Contrast with types

The contrast in this image are the different types of font. For example, the word "F" in "FORM" is in italic so that we know that this is the starting. Besides the word "Structure" has bold in "Struc" and this make the contrast to the readers.

5. Contrast with Shape

The contrast is the repetition of the shape creates a different contrast to the readers. Besides and the curvy line he used shows the flow of the image.

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